Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Inspiration from Abraham, Son of Terah

I was reading today in the Bible in Genesis about Abraham (son of Terah). He is the spiritual forefather of three different major world religions (Judaism, Islam, and Christianity). I was very inspired by his persistent faith over a long period of time. He wasn't perfect but he continued to have a childlike faith in God over many years. God had promised him when he was 75 years old to make him a father of a great nation. He left his comfortable urban life to become a nomad and travel to a new country, and this was a few thousand years ago when travel wasn't as easy as it is now. I admire him for his continuing to believe God.

At this point in my life it feels like I am kind of in a wilderness and there are a few things I would like to have resolved in my life, such as finding meaningful work that I enjoy and that pays enough to support a family, and I would like to have a family. Also, I would like to be involved in missions somehow, but in many ways it feels like these dreams (not necessarily promises from God, like with Abraham) are not currently being fulfilled. I need to walk by faith with a long-term faith like Abraham did, and trust God to lead me to what He has for me. I want to have faith like Abraham and not become apathetic and unbelieving.

It's also comforting to see how God was patient with Abraham when he doubted and tried to find alternative ways to see his dreams fulfilled other than God's way. God still worked with him, and this gives me hope that God will still work with me, even if I make a mistake or do something stupid. He wants me to trust and follow Him and He is big enough to pick up the pieces and make something beautiful out of my imperfect steps to follow Him.

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