Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gardening Class

This year I started gardening at the suggestion of my roommate, John. We planted some tomatoes and squash and peppers on the side of the house and we harvested some vegetables. It was pretty cool! I had intended on continuing the garden during the winter and I discovered some free classes at a local nursery. I went to a class last weekend on growing sweet peas and today I went to a class on growing vegetables and fruit in containers. I am excited about this! I have never had a garden of my own as an adult and this is exciting. It's interesting to learn about what makes plants grow well.

At the class today I learned that plants grown in containers aren't always easy to water because the water doesn't spread evenly, even if the plant is watered several times. Also, the roots can sometimes repel the water for some reason.

I want to plant some vegetables next weekend with my roommate. I am considering some sort of lettuce and broccoli. Last weekend I pre-ordered an apple tree that should arrive in January and I'll plant that in wine or whiskey barrel. I also want to plant a blueberry bush in a container and I would like to buy a rose plant. I'm excited about this! :)

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